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  Citation Number 2
 Views 9
Alman Basınında İnşa Edilen Türk Kadını İmajı: " speigel online international" örneği"
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Abstract :

In the study of “Turkish Woman Image In German Press: Spiegel Online International”, it is aimed to evaulate the Turkish woman image that is constructed in the globalized world in German Press, by analyzing Spiegel Online International (Germany) in terms of “Turkish woman image”, during six months (june, august, September, October, november, december) in 2011, with Van Dijk’s discourse analysis approach that is based on two main principle, as macro and micro analysis. Therefore, we are able to understand how Turkish woman image is established and what kinds of images, expressions are used by German press and their approach to Turkish woman identity with this evaluation. In Addition, this analysis is done, by using some various studying areas, such as image studies and it acquires an interdisciplinary qualification. In this analysis, it is aimed to evaluate the Turkish image that is constructed in the globalized world, by analyzing all the news about Turkey in terms of discourse analysis. Therefore, the Turkish and Turkish woman image that is established by the newspaper of Spiegel Online International (Almanya) and its approach to Turkish identity can be understood with this evaluation. Therefore, we are able to understand how Turkish image is established and what kinds of images and expressions are used by Spiegel Online International (Almanya). Hence, it is aimed see how the position of Turkey is created by the discources of this newspaper in German society and whether Turkish and Turkish woman image has been started to change with the globalization in some ways, or not.

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