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 Görüntüleme 27
 İndirme 2
The Role of Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio and Mean Platelet Volume on the Prognosis of Cardiac Masses
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Özet :

Objectives: Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and mean platelet volume (MPV) are hematological markers used as prognostic markers in cancer and thrombotic diseases. These markers’ association with intracardiac masses is unknown. Our goal is to determine the value of NLR, PLR, and MPV as prognostic markers in patients undergoing surgery for intracardiac masses. Materials and Methods: The study included primary and secondary heart tumors, intracardiac thrombi, and infectious diseases that cause a mass effect in the heart. The pathological examination, location, complications, and mortality are compared with the patients’ preoperative characteristics in the heart. The pathological examination, location, complications, and mortality are compared with the patients’ preoperative characteristics (NLR, PLR, and MPV). Results: The surviving patients were followed for 41 (20-75; minimum: 11-maximum: 120) months. NLR was found to be significantly higher in patients undergoing surgery for intracardiac thrombus, pulmonary embolism (PE), or impaired cardiac function (CF) (p=0.031, p=0.021, and p=0.046, respectively). Patients with masses in the left heart chambers and those with postoperative atrial fibrillation had significantly higher MPV values (p=0.001). The expected survival in the impaired CF group was significantly lower than in the normal CF group (35.91±13.00 months vs. 109.7±76.92 months, p=0.001). Conclusion: There was a link between CF impairment and the NLR. The presence or absence of PE, as well as significant differences in NLR between groups of impaired and normal CF, tumors, and thrombus, is thought to be influenced by the patients’ clinical condition. The preoperative relationship between the localization of the mass in the left heart and the development of postoperative atrial fibrillation and MPV is remarkable.