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Chlorophyll Content and Leaf Morphological Features of Capsicum annum L. cv. ‘Alexander’ under Yeast and Caffeine Tested as Bio-fertilizers
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Abstract :

Bio-fertilizers are in the present more and more of interest as alternative nutritive inputs. This research aim was to test different doses of yeast and caffeine on pepper growth and chlorophyll content. The experiment in controlled conditions consisted of 8 phytocosms treatments with 3 yeast and caffeine doses 1%, 2%, and 3%, one mixed treatment (2%), and the control treatment in five replications. The yeast addition promoted all the tested morphological parameters especially the middle dose tested. Caffeine treatments induced a slow growth of pepper vegetative period, even a delayed development compared with the control treatment. In conclusion, the mixed treatment was the most efficient pepper bio-fertilizer and provided the highest values of leaf length, width, seedling height, and also total chlorophyll content.

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