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 Görüntüleme 43
 İndirme 5
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Urological Emergencies, 8 Months Results of a Multicenter Retrospective Study From Turkey
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Objectives: We aimed to reveal the change of urological emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the same period of the previous year. Methods: The number of admissions to the emergency department (ED), admissions to the urology outpatient clinic, emergency urological consultations, and urological and emergency urological surgeries during the periods April-November-2019 and April-November-2020 were recorded. The data of the COVID-19 period were compared with the previous year. Results: While the number of admissions to the urological outpatient clinic was 160,447 during the COVID period, it was 351,809 during the non-COVID period. The number of admissions to the ED decreased from 3.2 million to 2.4. The number of admissions to the urology outpatient clinic significantly decreased by 54% during the pandemic (p=0.001). Percutaneous cystostomy performed due to acute urinary obstruction decreased by 27.96%, double J stent, nephrostomy decreased by 16.61%, and ureterorenoscopy decreased by 12.26%. Urogenital trauma also decreased. On the contrary, surgical procedures performed due to penile fracture, gross hematuria, Fournier gangrene, and testicular torsion increased. Conclusion: During the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant decrease was observed in non-COVID patients’ admissions to the emergency and urology department, and in urologic surgeries.

Anahtar Kelimeler :

The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on urological emergencies, the results of a 8-month retrospective study from Turkey
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Özet :

Purpose: In our study, we aimed to reveal the changes in urological emergencies during the Covid-19 epidemic compared to the same period of last year. Method: In the periods April-November-2019 and April-November-2020, the application for emergency service (ED), the application for the urology clinic, the number of emergency urological consultations, urological and emergency urological surgeries were recorded. Data from the Covid-19 period was compared to the previous year. The number of applications to the urology clinic during the Covid period was 160447, while the number of applications to the non-Covid period was 351809. The number of emergency receipts dropped from 3.2 million to 2.4 million. During Pandemia, the number of applications to the urological clinic decreased statistically significantly by 54% (p=0,001). Percutaneous systostomy caused by acute urine retention was reduced by 27.96%, double J stent, nefrostomy by 16.61%, and ureterorenoscopy by 12.26. The urogenital trauma has also decreased. On the contrary, the surgical processes caused by penile fractures, gross hematures, Fournier gangrena and testicular tortion increased. Result: During the Covid-19 epidemic, a significant decrease in urological surgeries was observed with emergency and urological clinic applications of non-Covid patients. (SETB-2021-03-068)

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