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 İndirme 6
Descriptive analysis of dyscalculia articles published in Turkiye and a music-supported model proposal for dyscalculia education
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Learning disabilities could create some important problems that affect the daily activites of individuals who experience this condition. These problems affect individuals as well as their families. Qualified training applied by scientific methods can minimize these negative effects. "Dyscalculia", which is the numerical dimension of specific learning difficulty, can prevent individuals from revealing their true potential. It is extremely important to know what dyscalculia is, to diagnose it correctly and to know the correct teaching methods by educators. In this study, it was aimed to examine the studies on dyscalculia and to reveal the orientation related to these studies and to make the literature more known. In addition, a model suggestion was made regarding the use of music in the education of dyscalculic individuals. The sample of this research consists of articles published in TR Dizin between 2011-2022. The keywords "dyscalculia, math difficulty, math learning difficulty" were searched in both Turkish and English in the TR Dizin. Sixteen articles reached by scanning were determined to be analyzed as samples. An article review form was created by the researchers with the themes determined by expert opinion. The data were prepared and analyzed with the help of the document review method and this form. In the study, it was concluded that dyscalculia is a subject that has not been studied sufficiently in Türkiye. It is thought that multidisciplinary studies may contribute to the field in future studies.

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