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  Atıf Sayısı 1
 Görüntüleme 10
Quantification and minimization of sensor effects on modal parameters of lightweight structures
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Özet :

This paper aims to quantify the adverse effects of contact type sensors on modal parameters of lightweight structures and to present a practical way for identification of modal parameters of structures with minimal sensor effects. The adverse effects of a contact type sensor on natural frequencies, damping levels and mode shapes are explored using the theoretical model of a typical beam-like sample carrying a sensor and a controlled experimental study based on measurement of frequency response functions using non-contact excitation and response sensors. The half-power and circle fit modal identification methods are used to extract modal parameter from measured data. The experimental and theoretical modal analysis results are evaluated, and a practical methodology based on classical acoustic and vibration frequency response functions is suggested to identify modal loss factors and natural frequencies of lightweight structures with minimal sensor effects.

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