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  Citation Number 1
 Views 31
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Variability of morphological characteristics of red forms of amaranth with a high content of biologically active substances under conditions of the Moscow region
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Abstract :

The study of variability of morphological features in red-colored varieties of amaranth and their correlations at different stages in the conditions of the Moscow region makes it possible to identify features that affect productivity, amount of amaranthine and other biologically active substances. After analyzing vegetative characteristics, the varietal features of amaranth plants were proved to have a smaller impact on ‘root length’, ‘plant height’ and ‘number of leaves’ characteristics than the cultivation conditions, especially at the initial stages (ISB (Influence share of the weather conditions) from 22 to 58 %). It follows from the phenotypic variability analysis that the genotypic component values varied significantly only at the last stages (Cvg > 35 %). The maximum values of phenotypic variability were marked in all varieties at the stage of active growth considering the ‘root length’ (Cve = 32…47 %) and the ‘number of leaves’ (Cve = 48…85 %). The generative characteristics seemed to be significantly influenced by the varietal factor (ISA (Influence share of varietal characteristics) = 40…88 %) starting from the third stage. The genotypic component of all varieties was high considering the inflorescence weight (Cvg = 75…86 %). In signs of general productivity, it was studied that the leaves (93…112 g/plant) contributed the most for amaranth forms, which mass in all varieties largely depended on weather conditions (ISB > 55 %). The interrelation of the leaves productivity was noted high with all the vegetative characteristics on phase III-V (r = 0.71…0.92) and with ‘inflorescence mass’ on phase V-VI.

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