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  Citation Number 6
 Views 96
 Downloands 20
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Abstract :

The manifestations of Fall Armyworm [FAW] (Spodoptera frugiperda) in South Africa were all clearly reminders of the seriousness of this epidemic in 2019. The scare caused by FAW as an African Moth continues to multiple largely. This is becoming a factor for African farmers, seeking urgent acknowledgement of the associated detrimental effects mapped with economic, social, environmental opportunities and fully exploitation of sustainable agriculture in the country and elsewhere. This study adopted qualitative research approach, with an aid of non-empirical research design: Systematic review, closely looking at recent reputable reports across globe, while using South Africa as a case study, from 1995-2019 (i.e. 24 years’ projection). This study found that South African readiness against FAW is [currently] highly questionable, with the consequences of failing to act clearly felt by many South African farmers, therefore, the strategies geared towards this pandemic [might] not be able to totally stop the clock on its effects on farming practices, however, revisiting and adding to the available strategies can be beneficial to this sector to holistically affirm and sustain agriculture in South Africa as one of the two sectors at the core of economic development. It is concluded that there is no single solution to respond to this elusive spread, thus, multi-agency approach is highly sought. For recommendations, available precautions should not be limited to the positive use of furrows, chemicals, clear warning to cattle farmers and swift reporting of outbreaks. The interventions of South African government [i.e. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Forestry - DAFF] and other interested parties remains important in response. One of the essential components relates to investing more energies of understanding the ignored effects of FAW on South African farmers.

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