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  Atıf Sayısı 1
 Görüntüleme 18
Application of processes stimulated by nonequilibrium plasma for large-tonnage decontamination of soils
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Özet :

The object of research is a new, potentially effective and practical process for the decontamination of radioactive soil, based on combination of plasma hydroseparation and plasma activation. The cleaning effect is ensured by the destruction of the bonds of radionuclides with soil particles due to a series of electrophysical discharges at which active particles and shock waves appear. In a designed setup, the process of plasma-chemical treatment is implemented in a plasma cell with a self-sustaining pulsating mode of burning an electric discharge, which occurs in an aqueous solution. The setup realizes a resonant increase in the intensity of shock waves, turbulence and multiple expansion of the core, such that the expansion of the plasma-liquid interface becomes a real basis for scaling up the setup. Regardless of the material of the electrodes and in a wide range of electrical conductivity (measured from 100 to 5,000 μS/cm), the restructuring of the combustion regime is accompanied by an increase in the size and stabilization of the luminous zone, fragmentation of bubbles, and an increase in the rate of their evacuation from the discharge zone. The main factors of such a restructuring are the channel dimensions and temperature of the solution. Various materials of the walls of plasma-chemical reactor have been tested: plexiglass, ceramics and stainless steel with the thickness of 2 mm. The maximum increase in the amplitude of resonance oscillations depends on the cell radius. A dynamic pressure, which in an individual discharge is about 5–15 mm of the water column at the mouth of the discharge, increases to 150–200 mm of the water column at the bottom of the plasma cell at resonance. An increase in efficiency is achieved by an optimal choice of the duration of the current phase and the distance between the electrodes, which is 15–30 mm. The voltage drop is 70–80 % across the spark discharge, the rest falls across the solution. The transition of the discharge to a periodic pulsating current mode with an increase in the temperature of the solution has been found. Tests on a mobile plasma-chemical facility for the process of plasma co-precipitation of radionuclides 137Cs, 134Cs and 90Sr with ferrocyanide sorbents under real conditions of hydroseparation of contaminated soil from fields around the Fukushima Daiichi have shown a decrease in organic substances in water by 40 times, and of radioactivity by 75 times. Supporting Agency Presentation of research in the form of publication through financial support in the form of a grant from SUES (Support to Ukrainian Editorial Staff). Author Biographies Stanislav Petrov, The Gas Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher Department of Plasma Technology

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