The mixt endocrine-exocrine carcinoma of the appendix, being a rare tumor, makes up a very little part of all gastrointestinal system tumors. These tumors are thought to be the intermediary tumors taking place between adenocarcinomas and endocrine tumors. Generally they are seen in the 5th -6th decades equally in males and females. Being very characteristic, the histomorphological picture of goblet cell carcinoid consists of atypical epithelial cells with conspicuous nucleoli that make small abortive glands demonstrating scattered nests under surface epithelium and containing Goblet cells. The tumor exhibits transmural spread producing mucin pools designating positive immunoreaction histochemically with musicarmen stain. In addition to CEA and keratin expressions, there is neuroendocrine differentiation that may be illustrated both immunohistochemically and ultrastructurally. In our case, under the appendix epithelium we determined a tumor that was formed by gland structures lined by mucinous epithelial cells with conspicuous nucleoli, growing forward to the muscle layer and seeming invasive. We established that the tumor expressed PanCK, synaptophysin, chromogranin and CEA in immunohistochemical study and stained positively with PAS, PAS-AB and musicarmen in histochemical study. We considered the case as goblet cell carcinoid when clinical, histopathological, histochemical and immunohistochemical data were assessed together. In the time interval 2 years after the operation, any recurrence and/or metastase was not determined.