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  Citation Number 7
 Views 21
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Solvability of a system of higher order nonlinear difference equations
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Abstract :

In this paper we show that the system of difference equations \[ x_n= a y_{n-k}+\frac{dy_{n-k}x_{n-( k+l ) }}{b x_{n-(k+l)}+cy_{n-l}}=\alpha x_{n-k}+\frac{\delta x_{n-k}y_{n-(k+l)}}{\beta y_{n-(k+l)}}+\gamma x_{n-l}, \]   where $n\in \mathbb{N}_{0},$ $k$ and $l$ are positive integers, the parameters $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$, $\alpha $, $\beta $, $\gamma $, $\delta $ are real numbers and the initial values $x_{-j}$, $y_{-j}$, $j=\overline{1,k+l}$, are real numbers, can be solved in the closed form. We also determine the asymptotic behavior of solutions for the case $l=1$ and describe the forbidden set of the initial values using the obtained formulas. Our obtained results significantly extend and develop some recent results in the literature.

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