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  Atıf Sayısı 2
 Görüntüleme 5
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Özet :

The automotive sector is one of the sectors with high added value in terms of providing economic and social progress. The contribution of the sector to the country's economy is directly related to the followings: up-to-date technology, innovative production information and ability to design. In today's world, it is necessary to develop production systems that can adapt to rapidly changing technologies in order to reach targets such as producing competitive products and producing technology in the market. Additive manufacturing is a highly efficient and economical way to create customized car parts, prototype parts and components for small-sized vehicles. In this study, the following topics will be briefly discussed. These are (i) why the additive manufacturing technology is a promising method in the automotive sector, (ii) its suitability to the automotive sector, (iii) how to apply this technology to improve performance while reducing costs and (iv) its applications in this sector, and advantageous and disadvantageous of these applications.

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