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 Views 43
Ali Salâhaddîn’in Abdülhak Hâmid’e Nazireleri
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Abstract :

Abdülhak Hâmid Tarhan, who is considered as “the greatest poet” in Turkish literature, has influenced the literary world during and after his life and pioneered many innovations. Hâmid, whose imagination is extremely wide, wrote about matters such as God, death, life, spirit, social issues, love, nature and history. His special approach and perception on metaphysical issues brought him into prominence. Hâmid influenced many poets and several poems have written similar to his style. As an example, Ali Salahaddin Yiğitoğlu, who lived in the last decades of the Ottoman Empire and the first decades of the Republic, wrote nazires to the poems of the Greatest Poet. Ali Salahaddin, who wrote on religious, sufi and literary matters, is a productive literary man. However, the value of his presence in the literary world and his works are underestimated. His one and only published poetry book is Aşkın Sesi in which researches increased interest recently. Ali Salahaddin who wrote several nazires in this book reflected on three parts of Hâmid’s Ölü poem. The poet particularly prefers Hâmid’s poems on metaphysical matters for his nazires and he exhibits a completely different perspective than Hâmid with his answers to these poems. This study makes a comparative analysis of the three parts of Abdülhak Hâmid Tarhan’s Ölü poem and Ali Salahaddin Yiğitoğlu’s nazires written for it.

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