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 Görüntüleme 23
 İndirme 2
Penil Protez İmplantasyon Cerrahisi Klinik Sonuçları
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Özet :

Objective: We aimed to evaluating the outcomes of in­flatable penile prosthesis implantations and partner sat­isfaction. Methods: Data of 52 patients who underwent penile prosthesis implantation in single center between May 2010 and December 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Types of prosthesis, complication and satisfaction rates of patients were recorded by EDITS (Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction) questionnaire was used. Results: The mean age was 49.2±14.7 years for patients. The mean follow-up durations for 34.3±12.5 months. The mean hospital stay was 3.84±1.52 days. Evaluating of the couples satisfaction revealed that 44 (84%) of the patient were very satisfied. There was not any complication and no patient need to underwent revision surgery. Conclusion: Inflatable penile prosthesis implants, with high levels of treatment success, patient and partner sat­isfaction, are effective and safe options for treatment of organic erectile dysfunction with acceptable complication and revision rates.

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Clinical Results of Penile Protez Implantation Surgery
Yazar :  
Özet :

Objective: We aimed to evaluate the outcomes of inflatable penis prosthesis implantations and partner satisfaction. Methods: Data of 52 patients who underwent penis prosthesis implantation in single center between May 2010 and December 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Types of prosthesis, complication and satisfaction rates of patients were recorded by EDITS (Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction) questionnaire was used. Results: The average age was 49.2±14.7 years for patients. The average follow-up durations for 34.3±12.5 months. The average hospital stay was 3.84±1.52 days. Evaluating the couples satisfaction revealed that 44 (84%) of the patient were very satisfied. There was no complication and no patient needed to underwent revision surgery. Conclusion: Inflatable penis prosthesis implants, with high levels of treatment success, patient and partner sat­faction, are effective and safe options for treatment of organic erectile dysfunction with acceptable complication and revision rates.

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