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Analysis of Betawian Accounting as a Local Wisdom Business Identity: Maqasid Sharia of Wealth Perspective
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Abstract :

Islamic law is an ethical and value system that encompasses all aspects of life (personal, social, political, economic, and intellectual), with a foundation that remains unchanged, and it is the main means to adapt to change, inseparable from the fundamental beliefs, values, and goals of Islam. In the development of Islamic economics in Indonesia, Sharia accounting practices are one of the aspects that have evolved. Some studies have found that accounting practices by communities in various regions of Indonesia are influenced by the local culture. One such example is the regional accounting practices of the Betawi community. Both before and after independence, the Betawi people have had their own unique accounting practices. This uniqueness is attributed to the fact that Betawi accounting practices, dating back to the pre-independence period, are associated with an environment that consists of a mix of various ethnicities from different regions within and outside Indonesia. Moreover, Betawi has long been a focal point for capitalists due to its rapid progress in trade. This research is motivated by the advancements in Islamic accounting and financial instruments in Indonesia, which, according to the researcher, need to be explored from regional accounting practices in Indonesia that contain religious values. Therefore, this study associates Betawi accounting from the perspective of Maqasid Sharia, particularly the Maqasid Sharia of wealth, as Betawi business practices have long been based on Sharia provisions.

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