Comparative effectiveness of veterinary antimastitis drugs in the treatment of subclinical and clinical mastitis of dairy cows was studied. During the experiment, two treatment regimens were used. Cows from the 1st and 3rd experimental groups were treated according to the traditional scheme for this farm - intracisternal administration of Mastiet Forte; for the treatment of cows from the 2nd and 4th experimental groups, Mamikur was administered intracisternally. The effectiveness of therapy was assessed by clinical signs, by the number of somatic cells in milk, response to Kenotest and hematological parameters. It was established that the use of Mamikur as a monotherapy for serous-catarrhal clinical and subclinical mastitis in cows is well tolerated and gives a positive effect when administered intracisternally in the volume of one dosing syringe three times with an interval of 12 hours.