The aim of this article is to scrutinize the validity, scientification and universality of Taylorism Principles owing to strategic management during the present period. In this study, document context analysis methods were used as qualitative analysis about Taylorism. Frederic Winslow Taylor’s life, science management desicions and applications have been examined in this article. In addition to these, scientific thoughts and universal subjects of Taylor have been discussed accordingly. Positive and negative criticism have been stated about the scientific decisions of Taylorism by other scientists and appliers. However, Taylorism Principles are valid in human management, economics and business administrations in our time. Likewise, Taylorism will be a quide with its universality, scientific-applicable studies and inovations for the future. When Taylorism’s reflections of scientific studies and thoughts during our period, I dare say, could be mentioned about the continuity of his validity and performans in the strategic scientific management, economics and business administration matters