User Manual
Why can I only view 3 results?
You can only view all results when you connect from the network of institutions that are members. We offer a 1-month free trial version for institutions that are not members upon application by institution officials.
A lot of results that are not mine are coming?
Since citations are shown as "Surname, I" in many references, citations of academics with the same surname and first letter of their name can sometimes get mixed up. This is a common problem in citation indexes all over the world.
How can I only see the citations made to my relevant article?
After searching for the name of your article, you can see the citations made to the article you selected as soon as you click on the details section.
3-bromofenil boronik asit molekülünün moleküler yapı parametreleri ve titreşim frekanslarına çözücü etkisinin deneysel ve teorik olarak incelenmesi The moleculer structure parameters of 3-bromophenylboronic acid molecule and experimental and theoretical study of solvent effect on the vibrational frequencies
YÖK Ulusal Tez Merkezi - Ahi Evran Üniversitesi
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