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Teaching Effective Techniques for Incorporating Edge Computing in Biomedical Applications with Biomedical Students
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Abstract :

This case study demonstrates the potential of integrating the Edge Impulse platform into project based learning for biomedical technology students for edge computing consept. The use of the Edge Impulse platform as a project-based teaching and learning approach for biomedical students has been shown to significantly enhance student learning performance and experiences. The platform allows students to develop practical skills and deepen their knowledge while also providing opportunities for students to apply their projects in real-world settings. This study provides valuable insights on how to effectively improve learning for biomedical students using the Edge Impulse platform. The study focuses on a course designed using the Edge Impulse platform, where students design and develop prototype devices and systems. The course begins with the learning of basic hardware and culminates in students creating a complete prototype system. The study showcases the prototype devices and systems developed by students at the end of the course, demonstrating how the use of Edge Impulse platform improves students’ practical skills and enables them to apply their projects in real-world settings. Furthermore, it highlights how this approach contributes to students’ self-development and acquisition of skills that can be used in their future careers. Thus, the use of this platform can lead to new ideas and experiences which may open new horizons for biomedical research and the development of integrated devices in the current world.

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