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 Görüntüleme 29
 İndirme 1
The Effects of Heavy Metals on Soil Biology
Yazar :  
Özet :

Heavy metal pollution is a global environmental issue threatening food security and the environment. It is caused by the rapid growth of agriculture and industry. The development of new industries and the increasing number of people have also contributed to the rise in these conditions. Heavy metals that contaminate soils are mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and chromium (Cr), these toxic substances are retained by the soil and act as a filter for their properties. The aim of this paper was to review the impact of heavy metals on soil, as well as the methods to combat their toxicity in agricultural ones. In order to achieve this goal, data belonging to national and international databases were used (Science Direct, NCBI). The finding of different strategies to combat pollution, particularly on the soil represented the goals for the majority of the studies. As such, bioremediation is a promising choice to reduce heavy metal concentrations.

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