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Abstract :

In recent century, new developments in science and technological areas are added every day. Innovations on the internet can bring a different research topic every day, and the most popular of these innovations can be find in the field of social media. Instagram, one of the most popular social networks of today, is observed to be used extensively by young people in particular. This research is an empirical study on Erciyes University Faculty of Communication students. Satisfaction / Satisfactions of Instagram application on users was investigated by using questionnaire method in the research. At the end of the study, the analysis of why the subjects use Instagram was included. Frequency, percentage analysis, independent t test, one way variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc analyzes were used in the analysis of the data. According to the results of the research, significant differences were found in favor of female students as a satisfying gender, post - graduate study as education and public relations students as a result of instagram application.

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