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  Citation Number 1
 Views 63
 Downloands 2
Turkish Studies
Author :  
Abstract :

Kur’an’ı Kerim’de bahsi geçen peygamberlerden biri olan Hz. Süleyman kendisine verilen nimetlerle öne çıkmaktadır. Kur’an’ı Kerim’e göre ona çok sayıda nimet bahşedilmiştir. Hz. Süleyman’a peygamberlik, saltanat, rüzgâr, erimiş bakır madeni, hayvanların konuştuklarını anlama, ilim, nitelikli atlar ve gözle görülmeyen varlıklara hükümranlık etme gibi bir dizi nimet verilmiştir. Ona verilen bu nimetler daha önce hiç kimseye ikram edilmemişti. Hz. Süleyman verilen onca nimete karşı rabbine şükretmiş, nankörlük etmemiştir. O, malın bir imtihan aracı olduğunu bilerek buna göre hareket etmiştir. Kendisine verilen bunca nimete rağmen o şımarmamış, nimetin nereden geldiğini bilerek ona göre davranmıştır. Kur’an’ın genel mantığına göre mal sahibi olmak eleştirilen bir hususiyet değildir. Eleştiriye konu olan husus bu malın nasıl ve nerede kullanıldığıdır. Hz. Süleyman bu hususta örnek ve takip edilmesi gereken bir şahsiyettir.

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Journal :  
Turkish Studies
Author :  
Abstract :

Prophet Solomon who is the one of the prophets that was mentioned in the Quran has become into prominence with the blessings which were given to himself. According to the Quran, many blessings were endowed to him. A number of blessings such as prophethood, reign, wind, the molten copper mine, the ability of understanding the communications of the animals, knowledge, qualified horses, sovereignty of unseeable creatures were given to Prophet Solomon. These blessings which were given to him were not previously granted to anyone. Prophet Solomon was grateful for so many blessings that were given to him and he has never been ingrate. He has moved with knowledge of goods as a means of examination. Although many blessings were given to himself he has not become spoiled and he has behaved with the consciousness of the source of the blessing. According to the general logic of the Quran, being proprietor is not the critized idiosyncrasy. The matter of the subject of the criticism is how and where it is used. Prophet Solomon is the representative invidiuality and pioneer who must be followed in the matter.

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