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  Atıf Sayısı 20
 Görüntüleme 111
 İndirme 37
Autonomy in Language Teaching and Learning Process
Yazar :  
Özet :

The concept of learner autonomy in the field of foreign language learning was clearly articulated in the 1979 report prepared by Holec for the Council of Europe. The learner autonomy aims at providing language learners with the ability to take on more responsibility for their own learning. In addition, students may make decisions by themselves about what and how they should learn. On the other hand, traditionalists assert that providing autonomy to learners will cause teachers to lose their control over the class. In this review, the concept of learner autonomy in language learning has been explained from different aspects. Afterwards, the necessary clues regarding how to support the development of learner autonomy in language learning process are given and the characteristics of autonomous learners are presented. In addition, the ways recommended to promote the learner autonomy are discussed and the roles of both teachers and learners in developing of autonomy are mentioned.

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