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REVIEW: The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined
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Abstract :

Khan Academy is a global phenomenon with its revolutionary way of distributing courses. With its impressive database, Khan Academy has around 10,000 tutorial videos with short and to-the-point content mostly in Math and recently in many other subjects from science to art and humanities. The idea of offering free and world class education for anyone, anywhere started when the founder of Khan Academy- Sal Khan wanted to give video tutorials to one of his cousins upon request. As the tutorials were on demand by the other cousins in time, he decided to put the video content on YouTube and the demand started to raise. Over time his website became popular around the world with its quality and attention grabber videos on diverse subjects. In 2012 Khan wrote the book “The One World Schoolhouse” which is a kind of collection of Khan’s thoughts and experiences on education that he gained after the Khan Academy. In “The One World Schoolhouse,” Salman Khan presents a simple thesis: We learn best when we learn actively and at our own pace, mastering each new skill before proceeding to the next. The book comes with the subtitle “Education Reimagined” as it aims to provide a new approach of learning in four parts respectively.

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