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  Atıf Sayısı 124
 Görüntüleme 87
 İndirme 27
Bilgi Ve Bilgi Paylaşımının Yenilikçilik Üzerine Etkileri
Yazar :  
Özet :

In this study the relationship between innovation and the concepts of knowledge and knowledge sharing is investigated For generating an open and competitive innovation culture the significance of sharing knowledge the people and organizations have and using it in the process of innovation is highlighted In this context after reviewing the literature on knowledge and knowledge categories the concept of innovation and its scope the association between innovation and knowledge and the necessity and importance of generating an innovation culture the relationship between innovation and knowledge is supplemented with a conceptual dimension Keywords: Knowledge knowledge sharing innovation competition

Anahtar Kelimeler :

effects of information and information sharing on innovation
Yazar :  
Özet :

ın this study the relationship between innovation and the concept of knowledge and knowledge sharing is researched for creating an open and competitive innovation culture the importance of sharing knowledge of people and organizations have and using it in the process of innovation is renewed by understanding after reviewing the knowledge and knowledge categories of the concept of innovation and its participation in innovation and knowledge of knowledge and knowledge of the leadership and importance of generating an innovation culture the relationship between innovation and knowledge is added with a conceptual size keywords knowledge sharing experience sharing innovation competition innovation competition innovation and knowledge of innovation

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