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  Atıf Sayısı 5
 Görüntüleme 106
 İndirme 43
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Özet :

This study investigates the nature of consumers’ attitudes towards environmental consumption. Transformation of ‘consumer society’ into ‘green consumer society’ can merely be achieved by ‘environmental/green consumers’. In this study, the possible determinants of green consumers are examined in the context of university students. Knowing the components of attitudes towards environmental consumption will help the efforts to enhance the process of transformation. In this context, environmental attitudes and behaviors of university students were analyzed. Data were collected from 780 students in two different universities. Findings are presented in the light of factor and regression analyses. The results indicate that the main determinants of green attitudes in consumption process are environmental culture of consumers/university students, acceptance level of environmental philosophy by consumers, perceptions towards the influence of environmentalist identity in market processes, and environment-oriented beliefs and knowledge.

Anahtar Kelimeler :

effects of university consumers’ attitudes and purchasing behaviors
Yazar :  
Özet :

this study examines the nature of consumers’ arguments toward environmental transformation of ‘consumer society’ into ‘green consumer society’ can be very much more than expected by ‘environmental047green consumers’ this study of possible determinants of green consumers are examined in the context of university students familiar with the components of challenges towards environmental consumption will help the challenges to enhance the process of transformation ın this context environmental managements and behaviours of university students were analyzed data were collected from 780 students in two different forms of discipline are developing projects in green factors and determinants in green situations where the difference is related to the concept of compliance with the concept in green problems and understanding of compliance with the concept

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