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  Atıf Sayısı 5
 Görüntüleme 77
 İndirme 25
Yöneticilerin Kişilik Özellikleri ve Duygusal Zekâları ile Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Kullanımları Arasındaki Etkileşimin Tespitine Yönelik Bir Araştırma
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Knowledge and managing knowledge has become the most important strategic tools of today's business world. Information technology, an effective tool in producing and managing these powers, is for developing effectuality and efficiency of operating assets and it enhances the adaptation capacity of corporation to innovate as well as its carrying power upwards the level of existing institutional prosperity. In this study, between 2008-2012 in Turkey, the relationship between traits, emotional intelligence and use of management information systems of top-level and mid-level managers in Kayseri companies within İstanbul Sanayi Odası (ISO) top 500 was examined. The result of correlation analysis indicated that there was 0.475** positive, two-tailed and significant relationship between the level of management information systems usage and traits, and 0.381** positive, two-tailed and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and management information systems usage. Regression analysis result indicated that traits and emotional intelligence have an effect (R2=,248) on management information systems usage.

Anahtar Kelimeler :

A study aimed at identifying the interaction between managers’ personality characteristics and emotional intelligence and the use of management information systems
Yazar :  
Özet :

Knowledge and management knowledge has become the most important strategic tools of today's business world. Information technology, an effective tool in producing and managing these powers, is for developing effectuality and efficiency of operating assets and it enhances the adaptation capacity of the corporation to innovate as well as its carrying power upwards the level of existing institutional prosperity. In this study, between 2008-2012 in Turkey, the relationship between traits, emotional intelligence and use of management information systems of top-level and mid-level managers in Kayseri companies within the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) top 500 was examined. The result of the correlation analysis indicated that there was 0. 475** positive, two-tailed and significant relationship between the level of management information systems use and traits, and 0.381** positive, two-tailed and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and management information systems use. Regression analysis results indicated that traits and emotional intelligence have an effect (R2=,248) on management information systems use.

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