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  Citation Number 9
 Views 411
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Özel Belgede Sahtecilik Suçu (TCK m.207)
Author :  
Abstract :

Özel belgede sahtecilik suçu, Türk Ceza Kanunu’nda kamu güvenine karşı suçlar başlığı altında düzenlenmiştir. Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun 207. maddesinin birinci fıkrasında, bir özel belgeyi sahte olarak düzenleyen ve kullanan kişi ile gerçek bir özel belgeyi başkalarını aldatacak şekilde değiştiren ve kullanan kişi cezalandırılmaktadır. Maddenin ikinci fıkrasında ise, sahte özel belgeyi bu özelliğini bilerek kullanan kişinin cezalandırılacağı öngörülmüştür. Özel belgede sahteciliğin aldatıcılık niteliği, suçun temel unsuru olup, özel bir incelemeye tabi tutulmadıkça gerçek olmadığı belirlenemeyen belge, sahte belge olarak kabul edilir. Bu makalede özel belgede sahtecilik suçu, Yargıtay kararları dikkate alınarak incelenmektedir.

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Crime of fraud in Special Certificate (TCK m.207)
Author :  
Abstract :

The crime of fraud in the special document is regulated under the title of crimes against public confidence in the Turkish Criminal Law. Article 207 of the Turkish Criminal Code provides that the person who makes a special document false and uses it and who changes and uses a real special document in such a way as to deceive others is punished. In the second paragraph of the article, the person who consciously uses the false private document will be punished. The fraud in a special document is the fraud nature, the fundamental element of the crime, and the document which cannot be identified as true unless subject to a special investigation, is considered as a false document. In this article, the criminal offence of fraud in the special document is examined taking into account the judgments of the court.

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Counterfeiting Private Documents (TCC art.207)
Author :  
Abstract :

The crime of counterfeiting private documents is regulated under the title of offences against public confidence of the Turkish Criminal Code. In the first paragraph of article 207 of Turkish Criminal Code, any person who issues, and uses a counterfeit private document, or who uses and alters a genuine private document in order to deceive others is punished. According to second paragraph of the article, any person who knowingly uses a counterfeit private document shall be sentenced any person who uses a counterfeit personal certificate being aware of this fact shall be sentenced. The characteristic of deceptiveness in the private document is the basic element of the crime and the document that can not be determined the orginal unless it is subjected to come up for review is considered as a forged document. In this article, the crime of counterfeiting private documents is examined taking into consideration the decisions of the Supreme Court

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