According to modernist idea, an organization can be lived for long term and it is processed for planning, leading, staffing, coordinating and controlling of the strategic management principles. It is targeted for the business to have compete with each others and to gain profit over the average. During the management process and determining about a “vision” for an organization, the targets that are a combining of missions, aim objects and worthies. In this study, we explain about “vision management”, “vision decleration”, “shared vision”, “losing vision”, establishing of vision”, “carrying vision” and the characteristics of the managers who create vision. The great leader of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK determined about the aim of Turkish Revolution during establishment of Turkish Republic. The aim of decleration was the “vision” of establishing for Independent Turkish Republic. He pointed out the object, aim and mission establishment. As a mission, he fighted against the enemy and won a magnificient victory. The enemy was repelled from the country and Turkish Republic was established October 29, 1923