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 Görüntüleme 10
The Importance of Halotherapy in the Treatment of COVID-19 Related Diseases
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Treatment and post-treatment rehabilitation of COVID-19, which first appeared in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, causing hundreds of thousands of people to die, has become very important for both patients and scientists. Some chronic health problems, especially in healing patients, have led to the emergence of alternative treatment methods. Significant studies have been conducted on COVID-19 triggering chronic respiratory diseases in patients recovered because of the effects on the respiratory tract. In some studies, it was found that individuals who recovered could not use the functions of the lung with their pre-disease capacity. Halotherapy, which is a treatment method applying by be delivered a fine powder to the upper part of the lower respiratory tract of a person, is a natural and reliable therapy method for respiratory infections, asthma, allergic and chronic bronchitis, colds, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and various skin diseases. Halotherapy has an important place in alternative medicine. Many studies have been carried out on the benefit of Halotherapy, which is considered both Salt Therapy and Cave Therapy, in chronic respiratory diseases. In this context, it is considered that Halotherapy can be useful in the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases of individuals with COVID-19 disease in our study based on these studies. Also, scientific studies are recommended treating patients with COVID-19 in areas where salt therapy and speleotherapy are involved in the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases.

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