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 Görüntüleme 4
The Obligatory Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers on Learner Discipline, Case of Selected Schools in Nylstroom Circuit
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Disciplinary measures and learner safety are critical components of effective teaching and learning. Lack of discipline has become a major problem in schools. The abolishment of corporal punishment led to an increase in violent incidents in schools. This study aims to provide educators with useful guidelines to help them understand their roles when instilling discipline in schools and to ensure learners have a clear understanding of the difference between discipline and corporal punishment. The study followed a qualitative research approach in exploring human elements and behavior. Interviews, observations, field notes, and questionnaires were used to collect data, with a case study design. The population consists of principals, disciplinary committee members, educators, and learners from three high schools. We used a purposive sampling method, selecting three members from each of the three schools. We used Skinner's behavioral theory model, which attempts to explain how repeated behavior with rewards alters bad behavior. We applied grounded theory, a method that employs inductive reasoning for data analysis. The study found that teachers, accustomed to the banned use of corporal punishment for discipline, find it challenging to adjust to new forms of discipline. The study revealed that parents find it difficult to accept the long-standing ban on corporal punishment and attempt to coerce teachers into applying it to their children. The study suggested educating learners about their mistakes and motivating them to avoid ill-discipline. Parents should instill morals and discipline in their children from a young age, as they model discipline and behavior at home.

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