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  Atıf Sayısı 5
 Görüntüleme 15
Yalova, Çobankale Kazısı Sırlı Seramik Buluntuları: İlk Gözlemler
Yazar :  
Özet :

Çobankale, which is located in Altınova District of Yalova, is thought to have been built in the 11th century and was inhabited until the 14th century. The excavations and finds beginning in 2017 from Çobankale are highly important in terms of expanding the information previously limited to surveys in the region. Glazed pottery finds that form the main subjectc of this paper were found in a cistern and recovered when leveling the whole inner part of the castle. In this study, the aim is to evaluate the first finds from the Çobankale excavation, and as a preliminary result document that there were more pottery groups than idenfied in the surveys in this region. The pottery finds in the cistern from 2018 belong to the well-known groups of the mid and late medieval ages, dated between the 12th and 14th centuries such as: Glazed Wahite Ware, Slip Painted Ware, Zeuxippus Family Ware and Sgraffito Ware. In consideration of distribution of 52 potsherds in the catalogue, the quantity of Zeuxippus Family Ware is noteworthy. In the catalogue 44 pieces including ring bases, rims and body pieces are classed as Zeuxippus Family Ware, 3 ring bases are classified as Glazed White Ware, one ring base classified as Slip Painted Ware, one ring base and one rim as Sgraffito Ware. In this initial re-port, the main pottery groups of Çobankale are indicated, however it can be suggested that new data could be added to these concerning the form and repertoire of the medieval pottery to be identified as a result of the ongoing excavations.

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