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  Atıf Sayısı 3
 Görüntüleme 26
 İndirme 1
Van il merkezinde evlenme başvurusunda bulunan çiftlerin kontrasepsiyon bilgi durumları
Yazar :  
Özet :

Objective: This study was performed to determine of contraception knowledge levels and planning contraception methods after marriage that couples have applied to family planning center in the Van city. Methods: Study has planned as descriptive manner. This study was performed on 255 couples who have applied for official wedding procedure to Van maternal and child health and family planning center between September 2010 - January 2011. Participants were determined on a voluntary basis. Questionnaires were filled out by family medicine face to face with couples. Results: Totally, 21.3% percent of women, 23.5% percent of men have primary school degree. 18% of women, 93.4% of men have a profession. 12.1% percent of women and 12.9% percent of men does not have any knowledge about contraceptive and 43% of couples do not consider use any contraceptive method after marriage. The results has shown that when evaluate the couples, in terms of the distribution of contraception information, the couples have more information about condoms, pills, coil, injection and withdraw methods then tube ligation, implants, spermicides, vasectomy and the calendar methods Conclusion: Van region has a low socio-economic status. The couples should be informed about family planning before marriage, to talk about advantages of collaboration between the couples about birth control method choice.

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