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Structure of genomic DNA in chicken populations revealed by multilocus DNA probe
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Abstract :

Molecular genetic technologies are taking an increasing place in breeding work to improve existing breeds and populations of chickens, as well as in programs to preserve a valuable gene pool. Small local breeds are a source of valuable genes that can be used in breeding. The aim of this work was to obtain new knowledge about the structure of genomic DNA of six chicken populations using multilocus analysis with a labeled molecular probe (GTG)5. Multilocus analysis using labeled DNA probes provides working simultaneously with a large number of genetic loci and calculating population genetic parameters both within populations and between them. The data on use of the multilocus probe (GTG)5 in molecular hybridization reaction in six breeds and populations of chickens were analyzed. The results revealed a large genetic distance between Black-and-White Australorp and the Bald-necked chickens (D = 0.155). Bald-necked chickens are bred in isolation from other breeds to maintain the unique trait of ‘naked necks’. According to the criterion of average heterozygosity, the population of Bald-necked chickens surpassed the Yurlov Crowers and Black-and-White Australorps. Obviously, this is due to the intensive breeding work carried out in the last two populations, which reduces genetic diversity. Marker DNA fragments specific for individual breeds were identified. The effectiveness of multilocus analysis as a tool for identifying the features of genome organization in chicken breeds and populations was confirmed.

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