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Development and Performance Analysis of Commercial Vehicle Axle Shaft
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Abstract :

Axle shafts, which are an important part of the vehicle's powertrain system, transfer the torque to the wheels and enable the vehicle to move. In this respect, the design of the axle shaft to be used in a new vehicle is of great importance for vehicle manufacturers. When a cylindrical shaft is torsionally loaded, the shear stress is highest at the surface of component and zero at the center. Therefore, these axle shafts are exposed to an induction hardening process that enables only this superficial case to have its properties changed, remaining the core zone with its material original characteristics. Current study presents the results of a project aimed at developing and evaluating the fatigue life of axle shaft that belongs to a commercial vehicle. Developments were made on the existing axle and the results were examined using experimental tests and finite element analysis method. In line with the improvements made, the developed axle shaft has 331.7% more fatigue life than the existing axle, while the cost is 24% lower. According to these results, more attention must be paid to material selection, induction hardening process, stress concentration and surface condition of axle shaft in the design. This study involves many disciplines such as design, manufacturing, analysis, testing, etc. It is very important to ensure communication between all these disciplines in the production of the product. The output obtained from one discipline becomes the input of another discipline. In the cumulative sum of all these inputs, the optimum level of parts is obtained. For this reason, this study, which processes all these disciplines together, is very valuable.

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