Stress, which is one of the well known topics that everybody can come up with in their daily lives, is defined as "situation of tension and pressure that someone feels". The things that someone experiences in their daily lives can cause stress positively or negatively. Students who attend university newly encounter stress while they endeavour to adjust their new environment, while they get new friends, while they endeavour to get used to live away from their families; students who orientate university life encounter stress while they endeavour to be successful as they were expected; students who are about to graduate encounter stress while they plan their career. Stress encountered causes some negative situations due to students personality and point of view about life sometimes. Sometimes stress, when it’s coped with properly, gives energy to student to be successful and fires student so it causes some positive situations. This study examines university students’ methods of coping stress on the scope of Nazilli Vocaitonal School. In this study, data collected by random sampling from Nazilli Vocational School analysed and result and suggestions are expressed