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  Citation Number 4
 Views 26
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Sağlık Profesyonellerinin Bireysel İş Yükü Algı Düzeylerinin Ölçülmesi: Türkçe Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması
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Abstract :

Objective: This research was carried out in order to carry out the validity and reliability analysis of the Individual Workload Perception Scale (İWPS), which can measure individual workload perception with 5 dimensions adapted to Turkish by Saygılı (2008) in his master's thesis study. Materials and Methods: The population of the study consisted of 539 healthcare workers working in two public hospitals in Istanbul. The sample consisted of 262 people due to voluntary participation and reasons of not being available. This methodological study was conducted between June and September 2020. “Descriptive Questions” and “Individual Workload Perception Scale”, which can measure individual workload perception consisting of 5 dimensions with 31 items, were used to collect the data. In the validity and reliability study of the scale; For expert evaluation, confirmatory and exploratory factor analyzes were performed for content validity, internal consistency / reliability, correlation between items, and calculation of cronbach's alpha values and construct validity. Results: The content validity index of the scale was found to be 0.79 as a result of expert evaluation. The correlation values between the scale items were r = 0.40-0.85, and the cronbach alpha value = 0.87. Kaiser Meyer Olkin value of the scale = 0,86, Bartlett test χ2 = 2084,848; ; p <0.05. Eight items with a factor load value below 0.50 were removed from the scale using principal component analysis and varimax rotation method. It was determined that the scale obtained as a result of item removal consists of 3 sub-factors, namely, 18-item administrative support, colleague support, and unit support. Conclusion: According to the results of the research, Individual Workload Perception Scale is a valid and reliable scale in measuring the individual workload levels of healthcare workers.

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