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 Görüntüleme 26
The Situation of the Indigenous Polish Population, Ukrainians and Lemkos in the Voivodship of Zielona Góra in 1956–1960 Against the Background of the Nationality Policy of the Authorities
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Abstract The year 1956 saw a revision of the nationality policy of the Polish state, which brought a change in the situation of the indigenous Polish population and Ukrainian and Lemko displaced persons living in the voivodship of Zielona Góra. The party and state authorities made many tactical concessions with a view to suppressing strong migration tendencies and strengthening social and economic structures. There was an action of economic aid addressed to autochthonous Poles as well as Ukrainians and Lemkos. The development of folk culture was supported and the struggle of indigenous Poles against long-term Germanisation was publicised. The authorities gave permission to establish local structures of the Ukrainian Social and Cultural Association, Ukrainian language teaching centres, Orthodox parishes and Greek Catholic pastoral institutions. This relatively favourable period came to an end in the early 1960s, with the return of conservative and totalitarian tendencies in the politics of Władysław Gomułka and his camp.

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