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Patent duktus arteriozusun perkütan yolla kapatılması: Üçüncü basamak bir merkezin deneyimi
Dicle Tıp Dergisi
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Abstract :

Objective: We sought to evaluate our clinical experience and short-term results of percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Methods: We studied 20 patients (17 female, mean age 24±8 years) undergoing percutaneous closure of PDA between March 2010-March 2013 in our clinic. Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) I was used in 13 patients and ADO II was used in 7 patients for PDA closure. Clinical characteristics of patients, properties of percutaneous closure intervention, complications and short-term results are evaluated. Results: The mean ductus waist diameter measured by angiographic examination was 5±2 mm (2-9 mm). Procedure was successfully performed in all patients. Occluder device embolization was occurred in one patient in whom device was retrieved by snare catheter and PDA was successfully closed with same device. The early total occlusion rate was 85%. Occlusion rate as determined by echocardiographic control performed the day after was 95% whereas 100% at first month. In the follow-up of 19±9 months, no complications were observed. Conclusion: Percutaneous closure of PDA using ADO I and II devices are safe and effective.

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