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  Atıf Sayısı 14
 Görüntüleme 116
 İndirme 34
Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi

The aim of this study is to measure the effectiveness of social media activities of tourism establishments operating in Turkey. Suggestions to improve the efficiency of these mediums are also aimed to be arrived at. In this study, Facebook account use behavior of tourism establishments’ was measured and possible effects of type and content of posts on followers' interaction were discussed. All 5-star tourism facilities operating in Turkey were included in the scope of the study. These institutions were obtained from Ministry of Tourism and Culture’s public information database that includes all certified tourism establishment in Turkey. The Facebook accounts of the 441 hotels that actively use Facebook from a total of 612 hotels were examined. Their posts on Facebook for 1 month were taken as basis of the data collection. Information on Facebook posts of hotels were collected using a traditional content analysis form. A total of 2,012 posts were collected that provide information on post content category, content type, interactivity offered, follower interaction (likes and comments). The obtained data were filtered down to 1847 posts, which were then analyzed in SPSS application. 

Anahtar Kelimeler:

a study on 5 star hotels improving social media usage efficiency in tourism sector

the aim of this study is to measure the effectiveness of social media activities in turism organizations operating in turkey plans to improve the efficiency of these mids are also literary to be coming at this study facebook accunt use behavior of tourism partnerships’ was distributed and possible effects of type and content of posts on parties039 interactions all 5star turism plants operating in turkey were included in the scope of the study these institutions were met from minister of tourism and culture’s public information database that includes all certified touring data from the web page in the creations of the data was collected in the list of ukraine in the list of ukraine in the list of ukraine in the list of ukraine in the list of the data was collected in the services of the list of ukraine in the list of the services of ukraine in the list of the list of ukraine in the services of ukraine in the support of the list of the support of ukraine in the services of ukraine in the support of the support of ukraine in the list of the services of ukraine in the support of the support of the support of the support of the support of the support of ukraine in the support of ukraine in the support of the support of the support of the support of ukraine in the support of the support of the

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi
Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi