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 Görüntüleme 108
 İndirme 32
Future of Classroom Teaching According to the Pre Service Classroom Teachers
Journal of Education and Future

Abstract enQualitative research approach was utilized in the present study that aimed to determine the views of pre-service classroom teachers on the future of classroom teaching. Maximum variation sampling, one of purposive sampling methods, was used to determine the participants of the study. The participants included 24 pre-service classroom teachers attending Anadolu University, Faculty of Education, Primary School Classroom Teaching Department during 2012 – 2013 academic year, who were diversified based on seniority, gender, and general points average during sampling. Research data was collected with “semi-structured interview” technique. Data were analyzed with descriptive analysis technique. Findings were grouped and interpreted under six themes: the factors that affect the future of classroom teaching, future characteristics of primary school students, future characteristics of classroom teachers, expectations, anxieties and suggestions of candidates about the future of the occupation. Findings of the current study demonstrated that pre-service classroom teachers identified the following as most significant factors affecting the future of the profession: changes experienced in the education system, appointment in the occupational positions, future changes in population, perception of the society on classroom teaching, efforts that would be spend by classroom teachers to adapt to future changes in technology and education, and the quality of pre-service education. Furthermore, the participants considered that future teachers and students would have a better command of technologies and the skills required by the era. Pre-service teachers were primarily concerned about the future of their profession, which they claim to be uncertain. The recommendations of the candidates reflected that they preferred new criteria in accepting new students for the program, and they considered that the quality of the education should be improved. Keywords: classroom teaching, future considerations, pre-service teacher

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Journal of Education and Future

Alan :   İlahiyat

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 304
Atıf : 624
İlahiyat Temel Alanı

Journal of Education and Future