Asır Humor Magazine, known as a Turkish Humor Magazine, is a publication whose background information is rarely gathered. Mehmet Tevfik who is known to publish Çaylak Humor Magazine in the history of Turkish Press, published Asır Magazine as a supplement of Asır Gazette in 1870 whose photo appeared for the first time in Selim Nüzhet Gerçek’s book entitled “Turkish Journalism.” Likewise, the limited knowledge about the magazine is provided through the utterances of Selim Nüzhet Gerçek. In this study, some questions about Asır Magazine which is determined as complete issue from the collection of Hakkı Tarık Us, concerning the date of publications and the number of publication, are aimed to be answered in the scope of finding out the essentials of the publication of Asır Magazine. Additionally, Asır Magazine’s place among Turkish Humor Magazines is also aimed to be determined in this study. Determining the Essentials of Asır Magazine’s publication and its place in the History of Turkish Press is crucial in relation to overcoming the deficient points in literature which will thus thought to be beneficial to new academic studies.
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