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Osmanli Devleti̇’ni̇n Yeralti Savascilari: Lagimcilar
Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Osmanlı Devleti, tarihi boyunca çıkmış olduğu seferlerde, çeşitli savaş taktikleri uygulamıştır. Baskın, hilal vs. gibi stratejilerle parlak başarılara imza atan devlet, ihtiyaç halinde farklı yollara da başvurmuştur ki bunun en bariz örneği yeraltındaki tünel çalışmalarıdır. Adına lağım denilen bu strateji sanatı örneği ile özellikle alınması güç kalelerin fethi mümkün olmuştur. Eğitimli ve disiplinli lağımcıların, günlerce toprak altında inşa ettikleri yolların bitiş noktasında, lağım hazinelerine tam bir tedbir ve nizam üzere yerleştirdikleri mayınlar, toprak üstünde eş zamanlı yapılan muharebeleri büyük oranda desteklemiştir. Ağır koşullar altında büyük sorumluluklara sahip lağımcı askerler, hedefe ulaşmak uğruna bazen kazdıkları tünellere cansız bedenlerini de bırakmışlardır. Bu çalışmamızda, Osmanlı Devleti’nin bilhassa Balkan coğrafyasında ve Osmanlı Avrupası’nda gerçekleştirdiği lağım muharebeleri üzerinde, genel bir bakış açısıyla durulmuştur. Bunun yanında lağımcıbaşı ve lağımcılar (dirlikli ve maaşlı) hakkında verilen bilgilerden sonra, lağım muharebelerinin alet ve mühimmatları ile daha ziyade Balkanlar’dan temin edilen iş gücü kaynağına dikkat çekilmiştir. Öte yandan devletin bütün kurumlarıyla bozulmaya başladığı 18. yüzyılda, lağımcıların müdahil olduğu bazı askeri ve sosyal problemler örnekleriyle açıklanmıştır. 

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Local Warriors Of The Ottoman State: The Warriors

The Ottoman State implemented various fighting strategies in its campaigns throughout its history. The state, which gained brilliant successes with strategies such as surprise and pincer movements etc., also adopted different ways when the need arose. Underground tunneling is the most apparent example of this. With this example of the art of strategy, which is called sap, the conquering of castles that were especially difficult became possible. The mines that were placed in sap deposits at the endpoint of the tunnels, which were built underground for days by the trained and disciplined sappers with the utmost precaution and order, greatly supported the concurrent battles fought above the ground. Sapper soldiers, who had significant responsibilities under harsh conditions, sometimes left their own dead bodies in the tunnels they dug for the sake of achieving their goals. In this study, the sapper wars of the Ottoman State, those fought in the Balkan region and the Europe of the Ottoman reign, were emphasized with a general point of view. Furthermore, following the information presented about the head of the sappers and sappers (with wage and salary), the attention was drawn to the source of the workforce obtained from the Balkans with the equipment and ammunition of sappers wars. On the other hand, in the 18th century when the state began to collapse with all its institutions, several martial and social problems where the sappers were involved were explained with their examples.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Underground Warriors Of The Ottoman State: Sappers

The Ottoman State implemented various fighting strategies in its campaigns throughout its history. The state, which gained brilliant successes with strategies such as surprise and pincer movements etc., also adopted different ways when the need arose. Underground tunneling is the most apparent example of this. With this example of the art of strategy, which is called sap, the conquering of castles that were especially difficult became possible. The mines that were placed in sap deposits at the endpoint of the tunnels, which were built underground for days by the trained and disciplined sappers with the utmost precaution and order, greatly supported the concurrent battles fought above the ground. Sapper soldiers, who had significant responsibilities under harsh conditions, sometimes left their own dead bodies in the tunnels they dug for the sake of achieving their aims. In this study, the sapper wars of the Ottoman State, particularly those fought in the Balkan region and the Europe of the Ottoman reign, were emphasized with a general point of view. Furthermore, following the information presented about the head of the sappers and sappers (with wage and salary), the attention was drawn to the source of the workforce obtained from the Balkans with the equipment and ammunition of sapper wars. On the other hand, in the 18th century when the state started to collapse with all its institutions, several martial and social problems where the sappers were involved were explained with their examples.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar

Benzer Makaleler

Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Güzel Sanatlar; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 1.005
Atıf : 4.616
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