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 Görüntüleme 17
Structural Strength Characteristics of Coal Ash Blended Cement Concrete Exposed to Coastal Environment
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The study investigated coal ash, a waste product, in proper blends with cement in concrete for infrastructure projects in the coastal environment. The coal ash was partially replaced in the concrete matrix at the percentage rates of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 by weight of cementitious material. Concrete of grade 20 were cast in batches, cured in seawater under two conditions of exposure for 28 days and the mechanical properties of the specimens examined. The results revealed that the strength properties of the cement matrices partially replaced with coal ash improved with curing age. The strengths of coal ash concrete fully exposed to seawater were lower than those partially exposed to seawater. The 10% coal ash concrete had compressive strengths of 24.54 N/mm2 and 22.7 N/mm2 for partial and full exposure in seawater and split tensile values of 3.13 N/mm2 and 1.93 N/mm2 for partial and full exposure in seawater, respectively. The results indicated that coal ash, in partial replacement of cement in concrete, is beneficial for sustainable infrastructural development in coastal environments.

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